Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tsunamis And Numbers.


Not a whole lot happening here. Finished the EP. Waiting for my drum tracks to return from down-under. I'm pretty bored right now. Which is no way to be. And it's not just now it's overall. I've been overall bored for months now. Nothing new has come my way. And I haven't found anything new either. So i'm just sorta keeping my mind and eyes open.

So Halloween was a bittle suckish. Not too much happened. Thanksgiving was also lame. My friend over stayed his welcome here because he's homeless. He was not a good house guest. And didn't do anything in return. And for all that, I was the one getting the shit from the rents for it. So that was the last time I think i'll have him over.. If not for a long long while.

I'm just waiting for christmas to roll past. I'm not super excited for it but it does signify the end and begining which is always refreshing.

So lately i've been studying more about numerology. D's numerology report is decent. His expression is an 8. Same as Justin Timberlake's. The 8 pretty much says that it's his birth right to have some dominion over the world. Which JT totally has if you think about it. My numerology is of course scary. 22/4, 3. My lifepath says i'm gonna be some sorta revolutionary shifter. And my expression says i'm meant to be an entertainer. You know what I saw that I thought was very interesting. D's an 8 like JT and i'm a 3 like Britney Spears. Haha... ahem. I really hope i don't end up exactly like that. Like her ya know? It's not all bad though. Iggy Pop is also a 3. So i'm thinking that I really may do something extravagant in the industry. 22, 3 ya know.. Kinda scary. Haha. I certainly hope I live up to the expectations of the divine and earth bound.

Other than that business not too much. Excited for the EP! Woo! I really think and know some huge breakthrough is gonna come from it. Everytime I think about it I get the jumblies in my stomach. Which is nice. =]

Everything is good I guess.
Just very still.
Like the ocean before a tidal wave..
Deffo like the ocean before a tidal wave. =]
Sarah Rocks!

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