Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's A New Kinda Feeling


Everything here is working really well. My mind is like Bombay traffic right now. I've decided to release an EP. Yeah, it's a big step. It came as a suggestion from D. He said that instead of a lame demo why not impress the suits and throw an EP in their face. Apparently it's a lot more impressive and professional. Which, after a lot of thinking I made the decision to go for it.

As soon as I did everything just sort of crashed into place.

I found a cheap alternative to regular CD Packaging, Found a great drummer from overseas who just pretty much fell into my lap at the right time, found someone who wants to refer me to their music biz pals and have now found the proper funds to throw it all together.

The best part about it all is that I found my ultimate fan base. I didn't realize how lovely Distiller/ Brody Dalle fans are. They're really digging my music. Like on a monumental level. I've received the most support from them in the time span of perhaps a week. And that... well that was and still is sincerely amazing. I love them so much.

With that said I decided to launch my T-shirts. Before I had a problem because my friend said they did it in bulk only but this time because she had no current projects she could just do them order by order.

I'm not making any coin. And that's okay with me. I am just sooo flurried to see my logo across the soul-holes of people from all necks of the woods. =]

I launched a few days ago and I guess already have had two orders come in. Including someone who bought two! =] It's seriously incredible. I'm so excited. I feel so humbled. It's just a great feeling having someone like your craft and what you do to the extent of wanting to represent you and wear something that shows pride and faith in you. =]

With that said, tonight I got a sweet comment. And lately I've gotten so many sweet ones but this one really pulled at the old ticker threads.

A girl told me (these are her words!) that she was happy to finally see a girl who can play like the gods. And that she wants to learn bass and that she now considers me to be her role model.

I just crooned when I saw that. She also included that she loved my singing. =]

As if the sugar couldn't get sweeter.

I've never felt so humbled. I just feel so proud of myself for impacting someone to that degree. It makes me swell with warm sloshy tears just thinking about it. =] It's such a reassuring thing. I feel accomplished and just wanna hug her! I am so proud of that girl for taking up bass. Any girl for doing that is strong. And I'm so glad I could help bring that out in her. =]

Sigh, I'm pretty happy.. yet I feel like I'm stumbling onto something big.
Bigger than me and maybe a foreshadow into my future.
I certainly hope it stays this way..
All's well that ends well I assume.
..Yeah.. =]
Sarah Rocks!

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