Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tomorrow Is Always Better Than Yesterday.

Hello again
So today was kind of a bust. Woke up and the sky wasn't greeting too kindly. It was overcast and ended pouring around 5. I swept and mopped my home today. Vacuumed. Woo. Not really. It was so boring. I hate mopping and sweeping. It's on my top ten least fave chores. Ugh. Yeah, so I guess you see now my life isn't THAT fabulous. It has its grande points though. Sometimes... Sort of.
Anyways, That was my day. That and i'm like falling apart. My jaw is hurting so damn bad. It's like bruised or something. I dunno it's weird. It has been hurting so bad for a few days now. I can barely eat. That and today i've been sick to my stomach. I'm struggling. Ha ha. Tomorrow will be better though. Tomorrow is always better than yesterday. Right? Usually I guess. Hm. Hah. My blogs are so in depth. And i'm telling you people. This is how in depth I am.

I'm a simpleton dammit.
-Sarah ROcks!

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