Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Secret, I Was Kidnapped And Other Tales From A No-Hit Wonder.

Hey you,

So, my last post was in may...... Hahaha, I'm so shitty at keeping up with a blog. I couldn't do it for the life of me. Anyways! My vacay was fabu. I worked on material stayed at a very luxury-ridden hotel in Palm Beach Gardens and blew all my cash. Yeah, Shit happens. Not to mention I received a to-die-for second degree sunburn from Miss Mother N. Ature. It was worth it though because I was so evenly tanned after the blisters went away... Haha, I know it's gross but hey, beauty is pain, right? Right!

I've been planning on updating this at some point and finally I'm doing it... several months later. Music has been treating me well. It's still the high to my kite. I've written some new stuff, done a few covers and still remain empty handed. In a good way... well, not good exactly but in a I'm-so-used-to-it-that-it's-OK-until-I-bottom-out sort of way.

And everyone here is pushing me to go school. "With what money, man?!" is my reply. Schools nowhere for me. Interior design is what they're saying. Pfft. I have no attention span for that shiz. So, I remain here moneyless and thankless. Well not so much anymore really.

Sometimes I look at my life and think man, what a downer. But on a positive tip, I'm fairly happy. Everyone thinks my life is suckish and it is.. It can be.. But, I look on the bright side and see many things coming.

I'd probably be complaining by now, but I'm done. It's only held anyone back.

And if you haven't noticed yeah, I did read "The Secret" again, only this time all the way through. Hahaha.

That book is so helpful, and it's made things in my life a lot better. I highly recommend it. But only read it if you are entirely open minded or else it won't do anything for you. And you'll probably end up criticizing it.

Other than that jazz, nothing much here.
Happy, Healthy, Loving, Loathing.
The usual.
Sarah Rocks!

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