Wednesday, June 6, 2007

The Day Before Tomorrow

So Today is the day before tomorrow. And tomorrow is.... My Birthday! Woo. I'm finally going to be 18. Hopefully it's everything I've wanted it to be for oh so long.

With that in mind I'm hoping that today is pretty decent all in its self. Not a lot going on in my neck of the woods. Same shit different story. Yesterday was very chill. My Ex-Band mates are still not really talking to me. Which was expected... stupid emo boys. But, I could care less. I'm the one signed to a label with an EP coming out soon. Yep, that's right. I'm moving up in the world. Slowly but surely. It's just a tempo thing. They feel so strongly about my music that they want to take me under their wing until I find a bigger label to sign with. It's pretty exciting actually. I'm pretty happy. I'm just not sure what direction I want to go with.

I'm a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. I like doing the acoustic singer/songwriter thing but.. I'm not big on acoustic. It's so plain sometimes and a lot of the stuff I write really needs that extra Oomph. If you catch my drift. I kind of wanna do what Joan Jett did with The Blackhearts. Like Sarah Rocks! And The Desperadoes. Or Sarah Rocks! And The Vagrants. <---I Like That one. Something like that I think would be perfect for me. I mean, all the bands I've been in I've been the UN-written leader and compose the basic ideas for songs. I think I'll start looking for musicians interested in being the Vagrants to my Sarah Rocks!

I Wonder if that made sense.
-Sarah Rocks!

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