Monday, June 25, 2007

Thots Exploding.

Hey again
I know I've been reluctant about the blogs but I'm really trying. I forced myself to write this one right now. If I don't do it now I may not get the chance again.
Well, my parents left town. They went on vacation to MN. Pretty exciting. For them at least. Not what I would call a vacation but that's OK. They're having fun. Friday night I went to a show at The Smiling Dog Saloon. It was fun for the most part. Most bands sucked. Anyways I made brownies for the guitarist of SVW. What a dick. He seriously needs to be more respectful. I made three batches of brownies for him and who ever else and all I got was thanks *snark*. Mean while, the drummer Matt, who is nothing like the rest of them, was so thankful and gave me a hug and big thanks for the trouble. He was so sweet. But, whatever. I'm done with them. They've got it all and are too proud to do anything about it. It pisses me off. Stupid boys with their rock star egos.
So, the rest of the bands really blew chunks. But, there was one band that was amazing. My Complex Island. They came on and cleared a big space for their performance. When they went on they fucking conquered. The lead singer kept coming up really close to me and pointed at me in one of the songs. He kept running up and singing to me. It was great. And he smelled really yummy, ha ha! Like citrus cologne. Anyways. There's something really amazing about him. He was just I dunno. Something about him just made me melt. I've never met him or seen them before. It was their second show ever. But, they were amazing. I think I've developed some weird crush on the lead singer. He may be 24 but.. I don't know. He was putting off pheromones or something. Something about him just stayed with me.
The band was supposed to come and party with us but they got caught up in the SVW hype. Jackasses. Anyways, maybe next time. I'm still in love.
Later that night after the show, we went to SK's house and I had way too much to drink. I don't remember much after that. I know we got home around 5AM though.
We slept a few hours and then drove to Orlando. On a whim ha ha. They want me to move with them up to Orlando by the end of the year.
I guess the night before i thought it was a good idea. But, to be quite honest, I probably couldn't stand living two seconds with Ofi And Alexz. I'd go nuts. It would really suck. It's not that I hate them or anything but, It would just be shit. Alexz is a compulsive liar who gives me a lot of shit even when he's the one who is the true dumb fuck and Ofi is a follow-the-leader girl now with really not much of a backbone. I just wouldn't like it. I'd get that sick feeling I tend to get when I'm stuck.
I told them that it probably wasn't going to happen and to just look for two bedrooms. Anyways, We got back and I crashed. Totally fatigued.
Today me and my sister and her husband went to the beach and bonded. It was fun. The water was very warm. Ha Ha.
... I really want that guy. Ha ha ha, it's truly horrible that I'm swooning for him sooo bad but, whatever. I'm going to try to woo him...

I guess...
-Sarah Rocks!

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