Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Onion Petals

Hey Senor Blog,
Well it's about 2.00 pm and I only woke up an hour ago. My mum is talking to me about natural medicine in Honduras. She just visited and came back with some pretty interesting stuff. Including tree bark that in Honduras is called "Dead Mans Skin" Weird. I know. It's supposed to lower blood sugar and help with weight loss.
I tried some bark that I rubbed off of a piece. It was easily the most intense thing I've ever put in my mouth. You know how some foods taste bitter with flavor and what not well this was just the bitter sensation with no flavor. It made my mouth totally numb. It was sick. I don't know how she can drink it as a tea everyday.
Anyways, last night er, early this morning, around 3AM to be exact, I sent out a text to my band mates saying that I'm done. I totally just walked out on them. And you know what, I don't feel bad.. at all.
There's really only so much of a bad thing that one person can take. And I've had plenty of my fair share.
All the music produced now adays isn't original. And I'm sure you're going to say.. " oh yeah! Tell me about it!! That's why I'm Indie all the way! Woo Regina Spektor! Woo Cute is what we aim for!"
Give me A fucking break. No music, not even "Indie" is original. Everyone enjoys copy-catting other people. That's all it is. Music has come to a point where it's nothing but sound pollution. All over the airwaves what do you hear: Bitches and hos, drugs, sex. To: I want to die inside of your fluorescent rainbow. I'll give you this kiss if you give me a taste of your lips. Not to mention the same beats and back tracks to the same guitar riffs and progressions.
I've decided that I DON'T want to be a part of that. I'm going to say what I need to say and be done with it. No fucking beating around the bush to make shit sound more romantic or lucrative. Fuck that. That's why I quit the band. Not to mention our fruity lead singer the most scene, UN-original, over dramatic, compulsive liar I've ever met has enough in him to criticize me and my playing when he strums the same chords over and over again and calls that a "New Song I Wrote".
Seriously the only thing hes good for is cigarettes and catching a ride. That's it. I'd tell him off if I didn't need him. And I don't feel bad because I let him walk all over me for his benefit when we're together. But, little does he know that I could careless if he died today. He tells everyone he graduated high school at 16 when actually he didn't graduate at all! He dropped out at 16 and was too lazy to get a GED. His mummy and Daddy pay for everything so it's no matter to him what he does or whose money he wastes.

I'm done with it.
I'm done not letting the world know what kind of people there are out there.
And I'm done putting up a front.
-Sarah Rocks!

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