Sunday, June 17, 2007

Six Days Later

So it's been six days since my last post. I can understand why.
This week has been pretty shitty. Me and my love got back together. Yeah, I'm fucking weak. I didn't leave the house all week because of it. And then we got back together and everything is gravy... sort of. Its the same old thing but this time I'm only staying with him for security reasons. I know that sounds horrible. But, I love the guy and he's not understanding so to keep him in my life until further notice it's what I got to do.
Last night was the big Sarah Rocks! Birthday party. Not as big as anyone anticipated. Only four people actually... Including myself. Kind of sad but hey, we still had fun. I got kind of drunk met this cool kid with a rough past and learned a lot about him.
The best thing about meeting new people is just that.
Oh, and something else happened. Alexz told me that he and his Bea, Jason, are moving in a month and a half to Orlando. I'm kind of sad about that. Even though I rag on him so much doesn't mean I don't love the idiot. Anyways, he's leaving and he wants me to go with them. He told me that he wants me to leave this town because I'm just too much for it. I need to go somewhere that I can follow my dreams and not be stuck here. It made me kind of sad to hear that.
Not like offensive but just that it's true. I don't want my dreams to fall out of the sky. I need to leave this place and I think I might. It just might be worth it to start a new life somewhere else. Sort of as a push off. I think I'm going to get a job save as much as I can and then see where I want to go with it. Then if I want to go I'll be somewhat stable financial. For a little while at least.

I want to get out of this town so bad.
This might be the push I've been looking for.
Sarah Rocks!

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